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Complete information on:

Werner Schmid

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Werner Schmid
Company number:646964
Company status:Gel�scht
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Einzelunternehmen
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:unavailable
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-106.217.604
Categories Business
Latest events:Before 2016-05-17 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Werner Schmid GmbH, DE6090001984
From: DE, , Fulda
Contact: www.werner-schmid.de, [email protected], +49 66194630
Werner Schmid, AT9110653384
From: AT, , Wien
Contact: , [email protected],

Mr Hubert Heris Previously worked for (Executive Fleet Management) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Guenter Schlitzer Currently works for (Executive Human Resources) Werner Schmid GmbH
Ms Melanie Goeb Currently works for (Executive Marketing / Advertising) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Joerg Degelmann Currently works for (Executive Production) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Joachim Hauss Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Werner Schmid GmbH
Ms Sieglinde Peterrichter Currently works for (Executive Logistics) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Guenter Schlitzer Currently works for (Executive Information Systems) Werner Schmid GmbH
Dipl. rer. pol. Monika Hauss-Schmid Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Werner Schmid GmbH
Ms Sieglinde Peterrichter Currently works for (Executive Fleet Management) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Harald Quanz Currently works for (Executive Sales/Distribution) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Dieter Gutbellet Currently works for (Executive Procurement) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Joerg Jaeger Currently works for (Executive Information Systems) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Matthias Hauss Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Guenter Schlitzer Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Alfred Keller Previously worked for (Executive Production) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Steffen Wagner Currently works for (Executive Controlling/Accounting) Werner Schmid GmbH
Dipl. rer. pol. Monika Hauss-Schmid Previously worked for (Executive Marketing/Advertising) Werner Schmid GmbH
Mr Werner Schmid Currently works for (Small Business Owner) Werner Schmid
Other companies:
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