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Complete information on:

Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Company number:352876
Company status:Gel�scht
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Aktiengesellschaft
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Via Calgari, 2, Lugano, 6902, Switzerland
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-514.3.007.047-9
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-108.250.009
Categories Business
Latest events:Before 2018-05-31 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione, CHCHE108250009
From: CH, , Lugano 2 Paradiso Caselle
Contact: www.taxcontrol.ch, [email protected], +41 919222353

Rudi Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Single Member of the Board of Directors) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Mr Rudy Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Decision maker sales and CEO) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Mr Rudy Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Decision maker finances and CEO) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Mr Rudy Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Decision maker personnel and CEO) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Mr Rudy Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Single Member of the Board of Directors) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Mr Rudy Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Decision maker marketing/advertising and CEO) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Mr Rudy Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (single member of the board of directors and CEO; Management and CEO; Managing Director and CEO) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Mr Rudy Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Director) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Rudi Ruggero Cereghetti Previously worked for (Director) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
Star Net SA Previously worked for (Liquidator) Taxcontrol SA in liquidazione
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