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Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Company number:1005315
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Aktiengesellschaft
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Neufeldstrasse, 13a, Wettingen, 5430, CH
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-158.382.417
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
Previous names:Silver Cigar Lounge AG
Latest events:Before 2018-01-10 Incorporated
2018-01-10 - 2020-10-20 Change of name from 'Silver Cigar Lounge AG' to 'SCL AG'
Data from other sources:
Scl, US148849866L
From: US, WA, Shoreline
Contact: , ,
SCL INC, US148645528L
Contact: , ,
Scl, US189280854L
From: US, CA, Northridge
Contact: www.discounttirecenters.com, , +1 8185767110
Scl (Contact Lenses) Limited, GB02507641
From: GB, , Bromley
Contact: www.sclcontactlenses.com, [email protected],
Scl (Norfolk) Limited, GB08917336
From: GB, , Canterbury
Contact: www.ecosoutheast.com, [email protected], +44 1227719698
Scl, GBCHA1115404
From: GB, , Sheffield
Contact: , [email protected],
SCL GmbH, DE6110385659
From: DE, , Butzbach
Contact: www.scl-chemicals.de, [email protected], +49 6033928700

SCL INC Shareholder of Scl
SCL INC Shareholder of Scl
SEBOUH DONOYAN Shareholder of Scl
Ms Diane Lennox Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Scl (Contact Lenses) Limited
Mr Stephen Lennox Previously worked for (Director) Scl (Contact Lenses) Limited
Ms Diane Lennox Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Antique Dealer)) Scl (Contact Lenses) Limited
Mr Philip Standen Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Scl (Norfolk) Limited
Mr Philip Standen Currently works for (Director (occupation: Managing Director)) Scl (Norfolk) Limited
Mr John Charles Tarling Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Scl (Norfolk) Limited
Mr John Charles Tarling Currently works for (Director) Scl (Norfolk) Limited
Mr Jonathan Charles Watts Currently works for (Director (Occupation: Trustee)) Scl
Mr Paul Hunt Currently works for (Director (Occupation: Trustee)) Scl
Rev John Beyer Currently works for (Director (Occupation: Trustee)) Scl
Dr Adenike Adebajo Currently works for (Director (Occupation: Trustee)) Scl
Ms Patricia Watts Currently works for (Director (Occupation: Trustee)) Scl
Mr Siegfried Menk Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) SCL GmbH
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