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Complete information on:

Schindler GmbH

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Schindler GmbH
Company number:775464
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Schmidhusen, 3, Herisau, 9100, Switzerland
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-300.4.014.910-4
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-112.127.352
Categories Business
Previous names:Schindler Unternehmungsberatungen GmbH
Latest events:Before 2016-09-13 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Schindler GmbH, DE7330940910
From: DE, , Winnenden
Contact: www.partyrent.com, [email protected], +49 7195959820
Contact: www.schiwa.de, [email protected], +49 718180700
Schindler GmbH, DE8230083825
From: DE, , Brennberg
Contact: www.bellinzoni.de, [email protected], +49 94162581
Schindler Ltd., GB00662746
From: GB, , Addlestone
Contact: www.schindler.com, [email protected], +44 1932758200
Schindler GmbH, DE3150516948
From: DE, , Haltern am See
Contact: www.schindler-pharma.de, [email protected], +49 2364508870
Schindler GmbH, DE8330400695
From: DE, , Mammendorf
Contact: www.schindler-ffb.de, [email protected], +49 8145809810
Schindler GmbH, DE7130172184
From: DE, , Konstanz
Contact: www.eugenschindler.de, [email protected],
Schindler GmbH, DE5190298427
From: DE, , Koeln
Contact: www.garderobenservice.com, [email protected], +49 2212570360
Schindler GmbH, DE2250165313
From: DE, , Suedbrookmerland
Contact: www.schindler-installationen.de, [email protected], +49 4942912822
Schindler GmbH, AT9150041511
From: AT, , Stockerau
Contact: www.aufundzu.at, [email protected], +43 226667446
Schindler GmbH, DE8230366041
From: DE, , Osterhofen
Contact: www.schindler-haustechnik.de, [email protected], +49 8547580
Schindler GmbH, DE7050301589
From: DE, , Angelbachtal
Contact: www.speditionschindler.de, [email protected], +49 7265915221

CHRISTIAN EICHENBERGER AG Shareholder of Schindler GmbH
CHRISTIAN EICHENBERGER AG Shareholder of Schindler GmbH
Mr Bjoern Christoph Schindler Previously worked for (Managing Director (GmbH)) Schindler GmbH
Mr Bjoern Christoph Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Bjoern Christoph Schindler Currently works for (Executive Information Systems) Schindler GmbH
Mr Bjoern Christoph Schindler Currently works for (Executive Marketing / Advertising) Schindler GmbH
Mr Manfred Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Andy Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Ms Helga Gross Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Ms Helga Gross Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Ms Berthilde Schindler Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Stephane De Craecker Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Frederik Jacobus Van Rensburg Wepener Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Chief Financial Officer)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Keith Alan Lindus Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Engineer)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr David Andrew Stewart Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Ian James Pratt Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Tito Marzio Soso Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Patrick Hess Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Patrick Hess Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Keith Duberley Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Sergio Escalante Sanchez Currently works for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Sergio Escalante Sanchez Currently works for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Neil Jonathan Dolby Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Johann George Hartmann Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Engineer)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Mario Rogenmoser Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Finance Director)) Schindler Ltd.
Ms Heather Brodie Currently works for (Credit Controller - Communications/PR Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Alex Burrows Currently works for (Head of Business Development - Sales Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Christopher Cusick Currently works for (Service Manager - Operations Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Paul Bernard Chamberlain Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Managing Director)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Mario Rogenmoser Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Nigel Christopher Bennett Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Managing Director)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Luc Adrian Bonnard Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Engineer)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Glen Davies Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Stephane De Craecker Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Michael John Savage Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Pertti Juhani Makela Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Alan Clive Chappell Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Managing Director)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Keith Duberley Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Michael Arthur Rodwell Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Director / General Manager)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Steven Harman Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Charles Brian Aldridge Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Julio Moura Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Richard Clarke Currently works for (Sales & Marketing Director - Sales Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Sean Pooley Currently works for (Project Manager - Operations Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Mark Downer Currently works for (Engineer - General Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Robert Bullen Currently works for (Project Manager - Operations Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Phu-ca Hy Currently works for (Financial Controller - Financial Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Sergio Escalante Sanchez Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Nick Carey Currently works for (Key Accounts Manager - Sales Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr David Charles Boyce Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Michael Dobler Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Managing Director)) Schindler Ltd.
Ms Helen Dixon Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
SCHINDLER LTD Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Steven Harman Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Director (finance))) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Aldo Braccetti Currently works for (Director (occupation: Managing Director)) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Simon Rose Currently works for (Service Manager - Operations Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Craig Atkins Currently works for (Technician - General Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Mike Hatch Currently works for (Project Manager - Operations Contact) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Jean-Pierre Lecoeur Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Frederik Jacobus Van Rensburg Wepener Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr David Andrew Stewart Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Glen Davies Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Neil Jonathan Dolby Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Robin Arthur Rose-Bristow Previously worked for (Director) Schindler Ltd.
Mr Marcel Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Heinz Ulrich Koslowsky Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Ulrich Schindler jun. Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Eugen Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Manfred Rudolf Schindler Currently works for (Executive Information Systems) Schindler GmbH
Mr Manfred Rudolf Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Matthias Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Matthias Schindler Currently works for (Executive Marketing / Advertising) Schindler GmbH
Mr Markus Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Manfred Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Mr Gerhard Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
Ms Tina Schindler Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Schindler GmbH
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