Name: | Quants Holding AG in Liquidation |
Company number: | 1005311 | Company status: | Gel�scht |
Incorporation date: | unavailable |
- | |
Company type: | Aktiengesellschaft |
Jurisdiction: | Switzerland |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | c/o SGEK Invest AG, Utoquai, 43, Zürich, 8008, CH |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Identifiers: | 1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification NumberIdentifier CH- Business2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification NumberIdentifier CHE-173.492.728Categories Business |
Alternative names: | Quants Holding SA en liquidation (alternative legal name), Quants Holding Ltd in liquidation (alternative legal name) |
Latest events: | Before 2019-02-22 Incorporated |
Gazette notices: | [{"1. Date":"2016-08-04"},{"Publication":"Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (Switzerland)"},{"Notice":"Liquidations-Schuldenruf einer Aktiengesellschaft (Art. 742 OR) 1. Name der a..."},{"Classification":"Company credit event"},{"2. Date":"2016-08-03"},{"Publication":"Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (Switzerland)"},{"Notice":"Liquidations-Schuldenruf einer Aktiengesellschaft (Art. 742 OR) 1. Name der a..."},{"Classification":"Company credit event"},{"3. Date":"2016-08-02"},{"Publication":"Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (Switzerland)"},{"Notice":"Liquidations-Schuldenruf einer Aktiengesellschaft (Art. 742 OR) 1. Name der a..."},{"Classification":"Company credit event"}] |