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Complete information on:

Honeywell AG branch

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Honeywell AG branch
Company number:1005337
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Aktiengesellschaft
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Zone d'Activités La Pièce, 16, Rolle, 1180, Switzerland
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-550.1.080.009-0
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-294.396.226
Categories Business
Alternative names:Honeywell SA (alternative legal name)
Latest events:Before 2016-09-12 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Contact: www.honeywellrefrigerants.com, , +1 2315823850
Contact: www.honeywell.de, [email protected], +49 89638982254
Honeywell Limited, GB00320495
From: GB, , Bracknell
Contact: www.honeywell.com, [email protected], +44 1344656000
Contact: , ,
Honeywell Llc, US264990197L
From: US, MO, Saint Louis
Contact: , , +1 3148333997
Honeywell Limited, NZ9429039039200
From: NZ, , Freemans Bay
Contact: www.honeywell.com, [email protected], +64 96235050
Honeywell, GBML3110521
From: GB, , Poole
Contact: www.honeywell.com, [email protected], +44 1202676161

Mr Dirk Eschinger Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Axel Guenter Stange Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Bernd Uwe Hose Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Martin Goeth Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Dirk Eschinger Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Axel Guenter Stange Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Bernd Uwe Hose Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Martin Goeth Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Ms Anja Wolf Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Roland Schweikardt Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Wolfgang Josef Anton Koerner Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Roland Schwarz Previously worked for (Member of the Supervisory Board) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Timothy Balch Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Jochen Maass Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Bernd Lueken Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Juergen Hanikel Previously worked for (Member of the Supervisory Board) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Juergen Konrad Sokoll Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Alexander Johann Schmidt Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Matthias Maaz Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Honeywell GmbH
Ms Michaele Frasca Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Harald Otten Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Ernst Robert Malcherek Previously worked for (Member of Supervisory Board) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Heinrich Metzger Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Michael Hirthammer Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Matthias Ramthun Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Edmund-Thorsten Krahn Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Ms Claudia Barbara Schon Previously worked for (Member of the Supervisory Board) Honeywell GmbH
Dr. Thomas Arenz Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Ralf Schwarz Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Norbert Werner Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Honeywell GmbH
Dr. Harald Andreas Holder Previously worked for (Member of the Supervisory Board) Honeywell GmbH
Dr. Martin Fischer Previously worked for (Member of Supervisory Board) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Bob Phillip Heil Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Honeywell GmbH
Mr Thomas Arnold Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Honeywell GmbH
HONEYWELL HOLDINGS LIMITED Shareholder of Honeywell Limited
HONEYWELL HOLDINGS LIMITED Shareholder of Honeywell Limited
HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC Shareholder of Honeywell Limited
HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC Shareholder of Honeywell Limited
Mr Stephen Herbert Lees Brown Currently works for (Systems Engineer - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Stephen French Currently works for (Project Engineer - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Tim Napper Currently works for (Sales Manager - Sales Contact) Honeywell Limited
Ms Sara Birbeck Currently works for (Systems Engineer - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Nick Boli Currently works for (Information Technology Manager - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Stephen Harris Currently works for (Project Engineer - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Andrew Bowman Currently works for (IT Engineer - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Chris Hall Currently works for (IT Manager - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Dave Earing Currently works for (Accounts Manager - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Robert Pollitt Currently works for (Health & Safety Manager - Health and Safety Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Toby Gene Warson Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Giannantonio Ferrari Previously worked for (Director (occupation: President)) Honeywell Limited
Mr Brian Long Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Robert Colin Millar Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Ms Mary Frances Theresa Robinson Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Honeywell Limited
Mr Grant William Fraser Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Norman Lee Gilsdorf Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Leo Quinn Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Michael Mark Reakes Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Allan Richards Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Solicitor)) Honeywell Limited
Ms Sarah Cuthbertson Currently works for (Administrator - Admin Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Warren Kenny Currently works for (Operations Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Mark Teale Currently works for (Sales Manager - Sales Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Malcolm Mullins Currently works for (Technical Executive - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Adrian Bingham Currently works for (Project Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Ms Pam Stephenson Currently works for (Human Resources Manager - Personnel Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Ray Ventura Currently works for (Sales Manager - Sales Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr James Mccann Currently works for (Production Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Ms Shirley Bridge Currently works for (Administrator - Admin Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Andrew Kay Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Hylton Currently works for (Finance Manager - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Bob Mcateer Currently works for (Project Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Plevey Currently works for (Production Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Adrian Scobie Currently works for (Accounts Manager - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Andrew Maclaurin Currently works for (Senior Engineer - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Timothy Dale Orchard Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Accountant)) Honeywell Limited
Mr Mark Joseph Payne Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Ian Wilson Currently works for (Engineer - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Mark Ashton Currently works for (Estimator - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Peter Thackwray Currently works for (Materials Controller - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
K Davies Currently works for (Development Director - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr John Dorward Currently works for (Accounts Manager - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Elif Joy Currently works for (Customer Services Clerk - Sales Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Karl Attwood Currently works for (Project Engineer - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Michael Banyard Currently works for (Accounts Manager - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Tony Pollard Currently works for (Project Engineer - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Juggins Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Hartley Currently works for (Senior Project Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Philip Roper Currently works for (Procurement Manager - Buyer Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Juggins Currently works for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Alan Stanley Clark Currently works for (General Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Hamid Fard Currently works for (Engineer - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Russell Harley Currently works for (Senior Project Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Richard DeKlerk Currently works for (Project Engineer - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Danny Taylor Currently works for (Chief Information Officer - Communications/PR Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Elegandro Morales Currently works for (Finance Director - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Paul Bennett Currently works for (Supervisor - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Jeremey Francis Hockham Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Ms Cheryl Heather Jane Lim Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Human Resources Director)) Honeywell Limited
E P S SECRETARIES LIMITED Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Honeywell Limited
Mr Mehmet Erkilic Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
SISEC LIMITED Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Honeywell Limited
Mr Dennis Anthony Kennedy Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Chairman)) Honeywell Limited
Mr Michael Robert Bonsignore Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Alan Thomson Wright Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr William Daisley Currently works for (Systems Engineer - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Chris Tapscott Currently works for (IT Manager - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Andrew Kay Currently works for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Steven Warburton Currently works for (Senior Account Manager - Sales Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Chris Bray Currently works for (Principal Engineer - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Christopher Joseph Whitehouse Currently works for (Engineer - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Paul Fullard Currently works for (Senior Engineer - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Stephen Ferguson Currently works for (Systems Engineer - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Dave Shaw Currently works for (Accounts Manager - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Robert Spencer Leigh Currently works for (Analyst Programmer - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Andrew Robins Currently works for (Accounts Manager - Financial Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Brian Corless Currently works for (Plant Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Mark Snedden Currently works for (Senior Account Manager - Sales Contact) Honeywell Limited
Ms Victoria Sim Currently works for (Analyst - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Michael Barson Currently works for (Principal Engineer - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Martin Walsh Currently works for (Systems Engineer - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Dave Bulman Currently works for (Business Manager - General Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Jay Patel Currently works for (Senior Project Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Mervyn Homer Currently works for (Project Manager - Operations Contact) Honeywell Limited
Mr Mike Cussell Currently works for (IT Manager - IT Contact) Honeywell Limited
Ms Lindsay John Small Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr James Stalker McGregor Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Colin McBeth Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr William Mason Hjerpe Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC Shareholder of Honeywell Llc
HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC Shareholder of Honeywell Llc
Mr Henry Ching-i Uen Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Neil Christopher Wold Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Paul Joseph Bardon Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Jack Maresca Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Gerald Cyril Cummins Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr James Lachlan Chisholm Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Antony Brendan Cosgrove Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr John Walter Paul Rajchert Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr David Arthur Glover Currently works for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Philip Fletcher Myles Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr John Robin Wadsworth Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Kin Choo Lim Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr John Raymond Emery Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr John Baxtrem Currently works for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Bruce Edward Ritchie Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Karl Douglas Mahoney Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Gauri Appena Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr John Herman Wolfraad Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Krikor Hagop Soghomonian Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Clive Malcolm Lewis Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Peter William Mcconnell Previously worked for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Wayne Gregory Kent Currently works for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Gomathy S T (Anne) Dorai Currently works for (Director) Honeywell Limited
Mr Wayne Burgess Previously worked for (Manager - Senior Decision Maker) Honeywell
Mr Adrian Fulford Currently works for (Manager - Senior Decision Maker) Honeywell
Other companies:
All information found on this page is extracted from public sources and should not be used in any official way.