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Complete information on:

Hartmetall AG

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Hartmetall AG
Company number:77554
Company status:Gel�scht
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Aktiengesellschaft
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:unavailable
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
Latest events:Before 2016-07-13 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Hartmetall (Uk) Limited, GB04652603
From: GB, , Kidderminster
Contact: www.hartmetalluk.com, [email protected], +44 1299253882

Ms Penelope Jane Turton Currently works for (Company Secretary - Admin Contact) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Mr Matthew John Turton Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Ms Penelope Jane Turton Currently works for (Company Secretary) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Ms Dorothy May Graeme Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Mr Matthew John Turton Currently works for (Director (occupation: Mechanical Engineer)) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Mr Mark Eric Turton Currently works for (Director (occupation: Engineer)) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Mr Mark Eric Turton Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Ms Lesley Joyce Graeme Previously worked for (Director) Hartmetall (Uk) Limited
Other companies:
All information found on this page is extracted from public sources and should not be used in any official way.