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Complete information on:

Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH
Company number:416947
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Schochenmühle, 7, Zug, 6300, CH
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-100.717.044
Categories Business
Latest events:Before 2017-07-18 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH, CHCHE100717044
From: CH, , Zug
Contact: blumenautomat.com, [email protected], +41 417631960

Mr Urs Vollenweider Previously worked for (associate) Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH
Mr Daniel Vollenweider Currently works for (Shareholder; Associate and Chief Executive Officer) Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH
Mr Urs Vollenweider Previously worked for (Managing Director) Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH
Mr Urs Vollenweider Currently works for (Shareholder; Associate; Managing Director) Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH
Mr Daniel Vollenweider Previously worked for (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer) Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH
Mr Daniel Vollenweider Previously worked for (Associate and Chief Executive Officer) Gebr. Vollenweider GmbH
Other companies:
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