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Complete information on:

Fédération Internationale de Philatélie nonprofit

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Fédération Internationale de Philatélie nonprofit
Company number:90976
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Verein
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:c/o Anwaltskanzlei Keller, Andreas G. Keller, Gehrenholzpark, 2g, Zürich, 8055, CH
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-020.6.900.136-3
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-103.095.902
Categories Business
Previous names:F�d�ration Internationale de Philat�lie FIP, Internationale Philatelistenverband FIP
Company addresses:
Latest events:Before 2016-09-12 Incorporated
Trademark registrations:1. Mark text FIP
Register World Intellectual Property Organisation
NICE Classifications 16, 35, 41
Registration Date 2002-04-04
Expiry Date 2022-04-04
Status label
2. Mark text OLYMPHILEX
Register World Intellectual Property Organisation
NICE Classifications 35, 41
Registration Date 2001-11-15
Expiry Date 2021-11-15
Status label
Data from other sources:
Federation Internationale de Philatelie%, CHCHE103095902
From: CH, , Zurich
Contact: www.maximaphily.info, [email protected], +41 444223839

Ms Andree Schiltz Previously worked for (General Secretary) Federation Internationale de Philatelie%
Mr Joseph Wolff Previously worked for (President) Federation Internationale de Philatelie%
Mr Bernard Paul Beston Currently works for (President and Chief Executive Officer) Federation Internationale de Philatelie%
Mr Peng Hian Tay Previously worked for (President) Federation Internationale de Philatelie%
Mr Peng Hian Tay Previously worked for (President and Chief Executive Officer) Federation Internationale de Philatelie%
Mr Raymond Todd Previously worked for (Vice President) Federation Internationale de Philatelie%
Ms Poh Theng Kelly Ong Currently works for (General Secretary) Federation Internationale de Philatelie%
Other companies:
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