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Complete information on:

BG Sports EUROPE Sàrl

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:BG Sports EUROPE Sàrl
Company number:1053182
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:route de l'Etraz, A-One Business Center, c/o Ichibani Sàrl, ZA La Pièce, 1, Rolle, 1180, CH
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-334.993.407
Categories Business
Previous names:Easton-Bell Sports EUROPE GmbH, Easton-Bell Sports EUROPE S�rl
Alternative names:BG Sports EUROPE LLC (alternative legal name), BG Sports EUROPE GmbH (alternative legal name)
Latest events:Before 2019-02-02 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
BG Sports EUROPE Sarl, CHCHE334993407
From: CH, , Rolle
Contact: , [email protected], +41 218253489

VISTA OUTDOOR INC. Shareholder of BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
VISTA OUTDOOR INC. Shareholder of BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Ms Jennifer Ross Harned Previously worked for (Authorized Signatory) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr David Douglas Allen Previously worked for (Managing Director) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Mauro Locarnini Currently works for (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Steven Bigelow Previously worked for (Authorized Signatory) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Mark Alan Tripp Previously worked for (Authorized Signatory) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Roman Werder Previously worked for (Managing Director) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Scott David Chaplin Currently works for (President of Management Board) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Bell Sports Inc. Currently works for (Associate) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Mark Alan Tripp Previously worked for (President of Management Board) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Scott David Chaplin Previously worked for (Managing Director) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Roman Werder Previously worked for (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Mark Ryan Kowalski Currently works for (Authorized Signatory) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Dylan Ramsey Currently works for (Secretary of Management Board) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Stephen Michael Nolan Previously worked for (President of Management Board) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Paul Stratta Previously worked for (President of Management Board) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Ms Donna Flood Previously worked for (Authorized Signatory) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
Mr Ben Miguel Angel Lopez Currently works for (Managing Director) BG Sports EUROPE Sarl
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