Name: | Arco, Electronics & Multimedia, S. + G. Coray KLG, Zweigniederlassung branch |
Company number: | 1152888 | Company status: | Aktive |
Incorporation date: | unavailable |
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Company type: | Kollektivgesellschaft |
Jurisdiction: | Switzerland |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | Via da Scola, 1, Disentis/Mustér, 7180, Switzerland |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Identifiers: | 1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification NumberIdentifier CHE-302.783.314Categories Business2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification NumberIdentifier CH-350.9.001.149-6Categories Business |
Previous names: | Arco, Radio TV HiFI Video, S. + G. Coray, Zweigniederlassung |
Latest events: | Before 2016-07-15 Incorporated2016-07-15 - 2019-05-01 Change of name from 'Arco, Radio TV HiFI Video, S. + G. Coray, Zweigniederlassung' to 'Arco, Elec... |