Name: | Spring Concepts GmbH |
Company number: | 1414782 | Company status: | Aktive |
Incorporation date: | unavailable |
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Company type: | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung |
Jurisdiction: | Switzerland |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | Gloriastrasse, 55, Zürich, 8044, CH |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Identifiers: | 1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification NumberIdentifier CH- Business2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification NumberIdentifier CHE-382.697.911Categories Business |
Previous names: | Bonnet Sturm Interior Design GmbH, Bonnet Sturm Interior Design S�rl, Bonnet Sturm Interior Design LLC |
Alternative names: | Spring Concepts LLC (alternative legal name), Spring Concepts S�rl (alternative legal name) |
Latest events: | Before 2019-11-22 Incorporated2019-11-22 - 2020-01-18 Change of name from 'Bonnet Sturm Interior Design GmbH' to 'Spring Concepts GmbH' |