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Complete information on:

Rocket Science AG

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:Rocket Science AG
Company number:1408836
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Aktiengesellschaft
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Eichstrasse, 29, Zürich, 8045, CH
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-389.338.672
Categories Business
Alternative names:Rocket Science Ltd. (alternative legal name), Rocket Science SA (alternative legal name)
Latest events:Before 2019-10-01 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Rocket Science Llc, US227839298L
From: US, CA, Napa
Contact: , , +1 7073378086
Contact: www.rocsci.com, , +1 4158268788
Rocket Science (Uk) Limited, GBSC219011
From: GB, , Edinburgh
Contact: www.rocketsciencelab.co.uk, [email protected], +44 1312264949
Rocket Science, US208377405L
From: US, GA, Loganville
Contact: , , +1 6786913227
Contact: , , +1 7705416968

ROCKET SCIENCE Shareholder of Rocket Science Llc
ROCKET SCIENCE Shareholder of Rocket Science Llc
MR RICHARD SCOTHORNE Shareholder of Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr Robert Forsyth Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr Robert Forsyth Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr John David Mcleod Griffiths Currently works for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Ms Deborah Adams Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Dr Alistair Bernard Grimes Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr John David Mcleod Griffiths Currently works for (Consultant - Research & Development Contact) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr Andrew James Carter Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
ADDLESHAW GODDARD (SCOTLAND) SECRETARIAL LIMITED Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr Gordon Brown Lee Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
PF & S (SECRETARIES) LIMITED Previously worked for (Company Secretary) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr Richard Mark Scothorne Currently works for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Ms Caroline Lindsey Masundire Currently works for (Manager - General Contact) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
PF & S (DIRECTORS) LIMITED Previously worked for (Director) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr William Deas Roe Previously worked for (Director (occupation: Consultant)) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
Mr Richard Mark Scothorne Currently works for (Company Secretary) Rocket Science (Uk) Limited
ROCKET SCIENCE LLC Shareholder of Rocket Science
ROCKET SCIENCE LLC Shareholder of Rocket Science
Other companies:
All information found on this page is extracted from public sources and should not be used in any official way.