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Name:PIC GmbH
Company number:1411113
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Schulhausstrasse, 14, Erlenbach ZH, 8703, CH
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-188.935.539
Categories Business
Latest events:Before 2019-10-21 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Pic Corp, US166666332L
From: US, FL, Surfside
Contact: , , +1 3058659021
PIC INC, US131356231L
Contact: www.picgroupinc.com, , +1 4076444760
Pic (Uk) Limited, GB01334049
From: GB, , Basingstoke
Contact: www.pic.com, , +44 1270616710
Pic (Nuneaton) Limited, GB07475781
From: GB, , Nuneaton
Contact: , , +44 2476384444
P.I.C. GmbH, DE5050710580
From: DE, , Duesseldorf
Contact: , [email protected],
Pic (Hk) Limited, HK0015722836
From: HK, , Kwun Tong
Contact: www.pichk.com, [email protected], +852 27179229
PIC GmbH, DE6130136028
From: DE, , Langenselbold
Contact: www.pic-systeme.de, [email protected], +49 61849047214

PIC INC Shareholder of Pic Corp
PIC INC Shareholder of Pic Corp
GENUS PLC Shareholder of Pic (Uk) Limited
GENUS PLC Shareholder of Pic (Uk) Limited
MR HAYDN GREGORY DAVIES Shareholder of Pic (Nuneaton) Limited
Mr Zouhair Sabry Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) P.I.C. GmbH
Mr Zouhair Sabry Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) P.I.C. GmbH
Ms Sarah Wong Currently works for (Director) Pic (Hk) Limited
Mr H Hui Currently works for (Manager) Pic (Hk) Limited
Mr Patrick Itzel Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) PIC GmbH
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