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Complete information on:

KoKo GmbH

Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:KoKo GmbH
Company number:1413278
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:Kirchbannstrasse, 14, Kestenholz, 4703, CH
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-304.223.641
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-
Categories Business
Latest events:Before 2019-11-08 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Koko, US271212071L
From: US, NY, New York
Contact: , , +1 2123216600
KOKO INC, US167880966L
Contact: , , +1 2126285440
Koko Group, US276534458L
From: US, CA, Los Angeles
Contact: www.koko.mn, ,
Koko, GBML3660346
From: GB, , London
Contact: www.koko.uk.com, [email protected], +44 2073883222
KOKO GmbH, DE4050443694
From: DE, , Recklinghausen
Contact: www.koko.ch, [email protected], +49 23619044556

KOKO INC Shareholder of Koko
KOKO INC Shareholder of Koko
KOKO GROUP CORP Shareholder of Koko Group
KOKO GROUP CORP Shareholder of Koko Group
Mr James Cessford Previously worked for (General Manager - Human Resources) Koko
Miltof Giannokopoulos Previously worked for (Duty Manager - Information Technology) Koko
Mr James Cessford Previously worked for (General Manager - Human Resources) Koko
Miltof Giannokopoulos Previously worked for (Duty Manager - Information Technology) Koko
Miltof Giannokopoulos Previously worked for (Duty Manager - Human Resources) Koko
Miltof Giannokopoulos Previously worked for (Duty Manager - Telecommunications) Koko
Mr James Cessford Previously worked for (General Manager - Telecommunications) Koko
Mr James Cessford Previously worked for (General Manager - Information Technology) Koko
Miltof Giannokopoulos Previously worked for (Duty Manager - Sales) Koko
Mr Mike Hamer Currently works for (Operations Manager - Senior Decision Maker) Koko
Mr James Cessford Previously worked for (General Manager - Sales) Koko
Ms Chiara Tomasoni Previously worked for (Marketing Manager - Marketing) Koko
Mr Mike Hamer Previously worked for (Operations Manager - Facilities) Koko
Mr Mike Hamer Previously worked for (Operations Manager - Buyer / Procurement) Koko
Ms Linda Biederbeck Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) KOKO GmbH
Ms Gudrun Block Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) KOKO GmbH
Ms Gudrun Block Currently works for (Executive Human Resources) KOKO GmbH
Ms Linda Weihs Previously worked for (Executive Procurement) KOKO GmbH
Ms Linda Weihs Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) KOKO GmbH
Ms Linda Biederbeck Currently works for (Executive Procurement) KOKO GmbH
Other companies:
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