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Company number:1409259
Company status:Aktive
Incorporation date:unavailable
Company type:Einzelunternehmen
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:unavailable
Agent name:unavailable
Identifiers:1. Identifier system Swiss Federal Identification Number
Identifier CH-550.1.185.767-8
Categories Business
2. Identifier system Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number
Identifier CHE-223.341.967
Categories Business
Latest events:Before 2019-10-04 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
KOHLER LTD, CA259909586L
Contact: www.kohlercompany.com, , +1 4167989311
KOHLER CO, US129161149L
Contact: , , +1 3256432661
KOHLER CO, US132090666L
Contact: www.kohler.com, , +1 2126891565
Kohler & Co., CHCHE112110593
From: CH, , Widen
Contact: www.kohlercompany.com, , +41 566334213
Kohler (Uk) Limited, GB00075110
From: GB, , Cheltenham
Contact: www.kohler.co.uk, , +44 8445710048
KOHLER CO., US*L000000115689
From: US, ,
Contact: , ,
Kohler, US179862657L
From: US, NY, Hamburg
Contact: , , +1 7166464535
KOHLER GmbH, DE4050287691
From: DE, , Oer-Erkenschwick
Contact: www.kohlerco.de, [email protected], +49 2319860430
Kohler, CHCHE101326120
From: CH, , Untervaz
Contact: www.kohler-huttwil.ch, [email protected], +41 813308702
Kohler GmbH, DE8190950742
From: DE, , Nuernberg
Contact: www.kohler24.com, [email protected], +49 91181709595

MRS MAJA KOHLER-SCHMID Shareholder of Kohler & Co.
MR HANS PETER KOHLER Shareholder of Kohler & Co.
KOHLER HOLDINGS LTD. Shareholder of Kohler (Uk) Limited
KOHLER HOLDINGS LTD. Shareholder of Kohler (Uk) Limited
DYCOM INDUSTRIES INC Shareholder of Kohler
DYCOM INDUSTRIES INC Shareholder of Kohler
Mr Olivier Francois Marie Om Lefebvre Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) KOHLER GmbH
Mr Ralf Guenter Becker Previously worked for (Managing Director (GmbH)) KOHLER GmbH
Mr Klaus Guenther Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) KOHLER GmbH
Mr Salil Sadanandan Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) KOHLER GmbH
Ms Denise Schulz Currently works for (Executive Marketing / Advertising) KOHLER GmbH
Mr Klaus Guenther Previously worked for (Executive Marketing/Advertising) KOHLER GmbH
Mr Jerome Daniel Sebastien Michel Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) KOHLER GmbH
Mr Urs Kohler Previously worked for (Decision maker sales and CEO) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Previously worked for (Decision maker IT/EDV/Network/Internet and CEO) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Previously worked for (Decision maker finances and CEO) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Previously worked for (Decision maker personnel and CEO) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Previously worked for (Decision Maker marketing/advertising and Chief Executive Officer) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Previously worked for (holder and CEO) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Currently works for (Holder and Chief Executive Officer) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Currently works for (Decision Maker Personnel and Chief Executive Officer) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Currently works for (Decision Maker Finances and Chief Executive Officer) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Currently works for (Decision Maker Sales and Chief Executive Officer) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Currently works for (Decision Maker Marketing / Advertising and Chief Executive Officer) Kohler
Mr Urs Kohler Currently works for (Decision Maker IT/EDV/Network/Internet and Chief Executive Officer) Kohler
Ms Bora Gercek Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Kohler GmbH
Mr Yakup Guengoer Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Kohler GmbH
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